fix width calculation of first few ba... was committed by Robert Buels
Friday Oct 26
changeset -
update release notes for region lengt... was committed by Robert Buels 08:37 AM changeset
add a parenthesized string in the loc... was committed by Robert Buels 08:33 AM changeset
add Util.humanReadableNumber method h... was committed by Robert Buels 08:33 AM changeset
in-passing optimization to Util.findN... was committed by Robert Buels
Thursday Oct 25
changeset -
first crack at simultaneous pan-and-z... was committed by Robert Buels 03:22 PM changeset
move animation classes into JBrowse/V... was committed by Robert Buels 03:22 PM changeset
unfocus any digit widgets (like the l... was committed by Robert Buels 01:32 PM changeset
turn off HTML-escaping in track metad... was committed by Robert Buels 01:32 PM changeset
update release notes to mention jszli... was committed by Robert Buels 01:32 PM changeset