Changeset [937d981abed49c95d63b571e88d547664e0dbb21] by Robert Buels
March 8th, 2018 @ 02:16 PM
Merge branch 'dev' into add_chunk_caching
Committed by Robert Buels
- A ".editorconfig"
- A build/
- A build/
- A build/
- A docs/tutorial/data_files/
- A docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_segment.bed
- A img/browserstack-logo-600x315.png
- A sample_data/raw/random_contigs.fa
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/seq/4c4/04e/7c/ctg12344-0.txt
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/seq/8e5/250/ac/ctg232-0.txt
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/seq/af2/43d/7e/ctg34532223-0.txt
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/seq/efb/e96/28/ctg343453-0.txt
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/seq/refSeqs.json
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/trackList.json
- A tests/data/random_contigs_formatted_refseqs/tracks.conf
- A tests/data/vcf.end.gz
- A tests/data/vcf.end.gz.tbi
- A tests/perl_tests/
- A tests/selenium_tests/
- M ".gitignore"
- M ".travis.yml"
- M
- M bin/
- M bin/
- M bin/
- M build/Makefile
- M build/
- M css/main.css
- M css/track_styles.css
- M docs/tutorial/conf_files/volvox.json
- M docs/tutorial/data_files/functions.conf
- M docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.gff3
- M docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.gff3.gz.conf
- M docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.test.vcf.gz
- M docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.test.vcf.gz.tbi
- M index.html
- M package.json
- M plugins/HideTrackLabels/js/main.js
- M release-notes.txt
- M sample_data/json/modencode/trackList.json
- M
- M src/JBrowse/Browser.js
- M src/JBrowse/GenomeView.js
- M src/JBrowse/QueryParamConfigMapper.js
- M src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM/LazyFeature.js
- M src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/GFF3Tabix.js
- M src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix.js
- M src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix/LazyFeature.js
- M src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix/Parser.js
- M src/JBrowse/TouchScreenSupport.js
- M src/JBrowse/Util.js
- M src/JBrowse/View/Track/BlockBased.js
- M src/JBrowse/View/Track/CanvasFeatures.js
- M src/JBrowse/View/Track/Combination.js
- M src/JBrowse/View/Track/SNPCoverage.js
- M src/JBrowse/View/Track/_FeatureDetailMixin.js
- M src/JBrowse/View/Track/_VariantDetailMixin.js
- M src/JBrowse/has.js
- M src/JBrowse/package.json
- M src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/
- M src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/
- M tests/js_tests/index.html
- M tests/js_tests/spec/BAM.spec.js
- M tests/js_tests/spec/QueryParamConfigMapper.spec.js
- M tests/js_tests/spec/Util.spec.js
- M tests/js_tests/spec/VCF.spec.js
- M tests/perl_tests/
- M tests/selenium_tests/
- M tests/selenium_tests/jbrowse_selenium/
- M tests/selenium_tests/
- M tests/selenium_tests/
- M tests/selenium_tests/
- M utils/jb_run.js
- M utils/jb_setup.js
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